wisepay Alumni Facility Hire


Items marked * are compulsory

Outdoor Wear 


A plain black, knee-length coat or a plain black jacket. 

Leather/PVC/denim coats and jackets are not allowed. 

Hoodies or sweatshirts are not acceptable as coats. 


Plain dark green or black or school colours. 


Plain dark green or black. 

School Bag* 

All students should have a plain black bag suitable for carrying books and equipment in all weathers, no logos or designs. A small black bag with straps no bigger than A5 size can be used to carry valuables. 

Indoor Wear  

Lower School Year 7-9 


Bottle Green jacket with school badge on lapel which must be worn at all times.

A choice of:



 A regulation dark green kilt or A line skirt. Skirts must be mid-thigh length as a minimum.  No stretchy fabric skirts.




Plain black smart trousers  

Upper School  Year 10-11


Black Eco jacket with school badge on lapel which must be worn at all times.

A choice of:



 A regulation black kilt or A line skirt. Skirts must be mid-thigh length as a minimum.  No stretchy fabric skirts.




Plain black smart trousers  

Whole School Year 7-11 


A regulation green and white blouse (either long or short sleeves) 


A regulation green jumper, V-necked, with a yellow stripe and school badge  


Ankle or knee length black socks, or plain black or clear tights, no patterns. Over the knee socks or stockings/hold ups are not permitted.  White socks are allowed in the summer 


Plain, black wide-heeled shoes (heels no higher than 2 inches), leather or other hard material. ‘Kickers’ style ankle-boots, ‘creepers’ with thick soles, boots, sandals and trainers are not allowed. If boots are worn to school in bad weather students must change into shoes in school 


The following items only are allowed: 

•   A simple necklace/chain, small pendant/charm (or equivalent) 

•   One plain, narrow ring 

•   Small, plain studs - one per ear in the lobe 

•   A wrist watch may also be worn. No other jewellery is allowed 

In Years 10 and 11 discreet make-up and clear, not coloured, nail varnish is permitted. (Brightly coloured eye shadow and lipsticks are not considered discreet.) Students will be asked to remove make-up thought by staff to be unsuitable for school. 

Hair accessories should be plain black or dark green. Extreme hairstyles and hair colours which are not natural are also unacceptable. No shaved or partially shaved heads. Sanctions will be applied as necessary. 

For Sixth Form Dress Code see here 


Science and Design and Technology 

A green overall* is required which can be worn for both Science and DT. The overall must be named on the inside with a name tape. 

A white lab coat may be worn by Year 10 students and above for Science 

Art and Pottery 

Students are asked to wear a shirt or blue overall* to protect their uniforms, but not their Science/DT overall 

Physical Education
  • Black school tracksuit trouser with school logo*
  • Black school sports top with school logo*
  • Black polo shirt with school logo*
  • Black games skort with school logo or black cycle shorts*
  • Leotard - Plain black long-sleeved leotard
  • Black leggings, for Dance (optional)
  • Long green rugby socks*
  • Trainers* - should be smart practical sports trainers (no Airforce, Converse or Vans)
  • White ankle socks*
  • Astro-boots* – not studded
  • Shin pads*
  • House T Shirt* – colour according to House
  • Gum Shield*

All jewellery must be removed for all PE lessons. All students should be able to remove their own earrings for lessons. Taping over earrings is not permitted 

Please DO NOT get ears pierced during the school term as they must be removed for lessons 

Gymnastic/Dance work is done in bare feet, any student with athlete’s foot or a verruca should bring a note from home for her PE teacher and grip socks (see here for example) should be worn.

Uniform Suppliers

Graduates Schoolwear 

Address: 201 High Street, Orpington, Kent BR6 0PF. 
Telephone: 01689 821439 or Email 

"We are a short distance from school with high street pay and display parking or 3 hours FREE parking at Tesco (just a few minutes walk to our store). Our services include telephone orders, standard delivery, next working day and click and collect. We would like to offer expedited delivery on online orders. 

Our opening hours are Monday-Saturday 09.00 -17.30 and we are opening every day in August to help make your shopping experience as easy as possible. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your daughter to our store where you can be assured of our best attention." 

Hewitts of Croydon 

Address: 45 - 51 Church Street, Croydon, CR9 1QQ 
Telephone: 0208 680 4555 / 0208 688 1830 or Email 

"Hewitt’s of Croydon has been established since 1863 and are very proud to have supplied Newstead Wood School for over 25 Years with all school and sports uniform along with Staff and Team Kits. 

 Click on the link above to take a look at our website for offers and to compare prices. 

We have FREE parking for parents at Centrale next to our store. We have a very extensive online service for parents to be able to purchase all uniform required. We also have a FREE Next Day delivery offer for orders over £50. 

Our opening hours are Monday – Saturday 09.30 – 18.00.” 

Secondhand Uniform Sales

Our Parents Association run our Secondhand Uniform Shop at school. Our sales take place each half term and are usually held after school in the Hut by Main Reception. You can email our parents association if you cannot make the sale and we can arrange for items to be left at reception for collection.  

Stikins Name Labels

These multipurpose stick on name labels are suitable for all kinds of school items, including school uniform, P.E. kit, and subject equipment. 
First launched in 2004, Stikinscan be stuck onto the wash-care label of clothing and fabric items or directly onto bags, shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles, books, stationery kits, P.E. kits, and much, much more. Our name tags are white in colour and printed with a bold black font to make sure they are really easy to read - for children and adults alike. 

Please quote our Fundrainsing Number when placing and order - 14318


United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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