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Year 7 Entry

To apply for a Year 7 place at Newstead Wood School you must register for the selection test by completing our Supplementary Information Form which will be available here from 1 May to 30 June of each admissions year. The selection test takes place in September of the year preceding entry to the school. You will also need to name Newstead Wood School on your Local Authority secondary school application form.  For full details of how to apply please see our Admissions Policy and associated FAQs page for the correct year of entry (at the bottom of this page).


Year 7 Open Events

Our next Year 7 Open Morning will take place on Saturday 5 July 2025. Please check back on our Open Events page for bookings from around Easter 2025.

Free Familiarisation Material available to Pupil Premium Students

If your daughter is in receipt of Pupil Premium, we are pleased to be able to offer access to free online familiarisation resources. Please click here for further information.

Familiarisation Tests organised by our Parents' Association

Each year our Parents' Association hold a number of familarisation sessions to enable prospective applicants to have an experience of sitting a selection test under exam conditions in an unfamiliar environment. Details can be found on their website http://www.newsteadwoodpa.co.uk

In-Year and Sixth Form

'In-Year' admissions:  This refers to applications for school places for any year of entry other than Year 7, or for Year 7 after the waiting lists close on 31 December.  This process applies to any secondary school age child whether they are currently without a school place or are wishing to change schools.

If you wish to place your daughter on the waiting list then you must contact the Schools Admissions Department at the London Borough of Bromley and ask for an In Year Application Form.  Once this is completed and returned to them, they will place your daughter on the waiting list.  If a place becomes available we will contact all those on the relevant waiting list and invite them into the school to sit an entrance test.  This would normally occur in the June before the start of the next academic year - we will only run a test if a space is available and we will not be in contact if there are no spaces available.

The test involves verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial reasoning.  The results of the test will be put into rank order and the place offered to the candidate at the top of the list, provided that they have reached the same academic standard as students already in the school.  Please note that the catchment area of 9 miles applies for in year admissions.

For details of applications to our Sixth Form, please click here.

Further Information

Click here to view our Prospectus. 

Please select the appropriate document from the list below: 

Admissions 2024-25

Admissions 2025-26

Admissions 2026-27

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